DuDu Pest Control Ultrasonic Repellent Electronic Plug, available on Amazon
The best product to kill Cockroach, Rodents, Fly, Roaches Ants, Fleas, Flies, Mice in Indoor Home in white color is DuDu pest Control Ultrasonic Repellent Electronic plug. You get 25% discount on this product while shopping on Amazon thus saving an amount of Rs 1000. DuDu Ultrasonic Pest Repellent uses State of Art ultrasonic technology to drive pests away from home. It can be plugged into any outlet present in the home and uses low-frequency sound which is inaudible to humans and pets. The green light at the bottom of machine indicate that it is in functioning condition. Eradicate insects or rodents, no one can immune to the sound and completely leave after a few short weeks of use.
BUY Online DuDu Pest Control Ultrasonic Repellent Electronic Plug on Amazon
The ultrasonic signal sent out from this Repellent electronic plug is far away from 20Hz to 20 kHz which is the hearing range of human being thus harmless to the human being and pets. It is odorless and flavorless without any harmful chemicals or poisons. A single unit of pest repeller machine will have great effects in 50-80 square meters in the room but large storage areas may require more than one unit.
Ultrasonic Repellent Electronic plug can illustrate house mouse, Black beetle, mosquito, flea, fly, cricket, ant, wood ant etc. so it has got another name electronic lustrate mouse machine, electronic helminths machine etc. There are two options of color selection is available for this product i.e. White and Black. Simply Plug the unit into a standard 2 pin plug outlet and leave the rest to this machine. Everything will be taken care of by it regarding the safety of your home from insects and mosquitoes.
You should install the machine in 20-80 from the ground centimeters, requirements of vertical to the ground surface is inserted into the power socket. The mounting point should be avoided as far as possible from carpet, curtains and other sound absorbing the material in order to prevent pressure reducing the domain becomes small and affect.
This amazing deal is available on Amazon.in without using any amazon coupons